// Файл автоматически сгенерирован online-конструктором // форм для смартфона remoteXY // http://remotexy.com/en/editor/a1cf60078a90eb8434b694227961932b/ ////////////////////////////////////////////// // RemoteXY include library // // use library version 2.2.5 or up // // use ANDROID app version 3.7.1 or up // ////////////////////////////////////////////// /* RemoteXY select connection mode and include library */ #define REMOTEXY_MODE__HC05_HARDSERIAL #include /* RemoteXY connection settings */ #define REMOTEXY_SERIAL Serial1 #define REMOTEXY_SERIAL_SPEED 9600 /* RemoteXY configurate */ #pragma pack(push, 1) uint8_t RemoteXY_CONF[] = { 2,1,26,0,6,5,0,3,133,1 ,10,98,11,2,1,0,63,40,12,12 ,1,82,0,65,4,25,40,12,12,2 }; /* this structure defines all the variables of your control interface */ struct { /* input variable */ uint8_t buttons; /* =0 if select position A, =1 if position B, =2 if position C, ... */ uint8_t record; /* =1 if button pressed, else =0 */ /* output variable */ uint8_t recMode_r; /* =0..255 LED Red brightness */ /* other variable */ uint8_t connect_flag; /* =1 if wire connected, else =0 */ } RemoteXY; #pragma pack(pop) ///////////////////////////////////////////// // END RemoteXY include // /////////////////////////////////////////////